The Armagnacs雅文邑
Miniature Set迷你套装

Boasting three of Chabot’s finest Armagnacs – the V.S.O.P. Deluxe, the X.O. Superior and the Napoléon Special Reserve– this Miniature Set is considered an introduction to the Chabot range. Each decanter is a scaled-down version of the traditional Basquaise bottle, making the set a handsome and collectible gift – whether to a friend or to oneself. 迷你套装将嘉宝最出色的三款珍酿一网打尽:V.S.O.P. Deluxe、X.O. Superior和Napoléon Special Reserve,适合初次品尝嘉宝雅邑佳酿。采用缩小版的传统巴斯克酒瓶盛装,轻巧精美,自享或馈赠亲友都十分体面。